BigFix 7 Upgrade

Prior to executing the below steps to upgrade the BigFix Server software, BigFix recommends that the databases (BFEnterprise, BESReporting) be backed up.

  1. Download the latest BigFix Installers ( and double-click the icon to excute.
  2. The BigFix Enterprise Suite Installer Generator will be launched.
  3. If you had a previous version of the Installer Generator installed on the machine, a note will be displayed asking you to upgrade to the latest version. Click Yes.
  4. Click Next at the BigFix Installers Welcome screen.
  5. After a short amount of time, the Installation Generator wizard will complete. Click Finish.
  6. Select Install BES Components to upgrade the BigFix Components on the main BigFix Server.
  7. Select Install BES Server to upgrade the main BigFix Server software.
  8. The BigFix Server Installer will be launched.
  9. A note will be displayed asking you if you want to remove the old version and upgrade to the latest version of the BigFix Server software. Click Yes.
  10. A notice will likely be displayed that a masthead was found in the installation directory, and that the one installed on the main BigFix Server will be used instead. This is expected. Click OK.
  11. Click Next at the BigFix Server Welcome screen.
  12. Read the license agreement and click Yes if you accept the terms.
  13. Select the components to upgrade. If you are running Web Reports on the main BigFix Server, be sure that it is selected as well. Click Next.
  14. Review the installation steps displayed, and click Next.
  15. The BigFix Server upgrade will begin.
  16. The BES Server's database upgrade will begin. Note that this step can take quite some time depending on the hardware, and the size of the database (up to 2 hours in some cases).
  17. When the upgrade of the BigFix Server is complete, be sure Run the BES Diagnostics Tool is checked and click Finish.
  18. The BES Diagnostics Tool will run through a series of tests. With all the tests reporting back successful, the upgrade is now complete! Click Close to end.
While we typically don't anticipate issues with the BigFix Server upgrade, should you need to 'back out' of the upgrade and revert back to a previous version, follow the steps below:
  1. Download the version of the Installers that existed prior to the upgrade attempt from:
  2. Stop any potentially running BigFix Server services (BES Client, BES FillDB, BES Gather Service, BES Gather DB, BES Root Server, BES Web Reports Server).
  3. Revert the database back to the previous version by restoring the database backup taken immediately prior to the upgrade.
  4. Re-install the previous version of the BigFix Server by executing the BigFix Installers downloaded in step #1, and running the BigFix Server Installer of the previous version.