A number of advanced TEM configuration settings are available that can give you substantial control over the behavior of the Tivoli Endpoint Manager suite. These options allow you to customize the behavior of the TEM Server, TEM Relays, and TEM Clients in your network. .

Note: These settings should be used with caution. If misused, the configuration settings can cause non-optimal behavior or prevent TEM from working properly. Please consult with your support technician for questions about changing these configuration settings.

Configuration Settings Notes

The following configuration settings apply to the TEM Server, TEM Relays, and TEM Clients. These settings are administered through the Custom Settings configuration in the TEM Console's Computer Status dialog.

  • Settings take on their default values as noted below unless the user modifies them.
  • If a setting is given an invalid value, the setting will revert to its default value.
  • All settings values are stored as strings in the registry (or config file).
  • To prevent older settings from overriding newer settings, each setting has an "effective date" and an action with an older effective date will not overwrite settings with newer effective dates. Effective dates are set to the time that the action was taken.
  • Numeric values are stored as strings, and assumed to fit in unsigned integers with a maximum of 32 bits (max value is 4,294,967,296).
  • Numeric values that are negative, greater than the max value, or contain non-numeric characters are treated as invalid values and revert to their default values.
  • Boolean values are stores as the strings either '1' or '0' corresponding to true and false respectively. Boolean values that do not contain either of these allowed values are treated as invalid and revert to their default values.

How to Set a Configuration Setting

Some of the Configuration Settings listed on this page are commonly used and have had Tasks created in the TEM Support site to assist in using the Configuration Settings correctly and easily. If such a Task exists it will be indicated in the 'Task Available' field below and you should try to use the Task instead of manually creating the Configuration Setting. If no task exists please follow these steps to set a Configuration Setting:

  1. Open the TEM Console and go to Computer section under the All Content domain.
  2. Select the computer(s) that you would like to apply the TEM Configuration Settings to (Note: To change a configuration setting for the TEM Server or the TEM Relays using this mechanism, you must select the computer(s) that have the TEM Server or TEM Relays currently installed.)
  3. Right Click on the computer(s) and choose the Edit Settings option
  4. Create a Custom Setting using a Name and Value from the configuration table below.
  5. Click OK to send out the configuration setting, which will take effect immediately (you can view a computer's settings by selecting a computer and clicking on the Settings tab in the Computer Status dialog)


  1. TEM Client - Settings that control the behavior of the TEM Client
  2. TEM Client Settings for TEM Relay control - Settings that control the interactions of the TEM Client with TEM Relays.
  3. TEM Gather - Settings that control the behavior of the TEM Gather Service which is a component of TEM Relays and the TEM Server.
  4. TEM Relay - Settings that control the behavior of TEM Relays.



To control the frequency that Active Directory information will be polled by the TEM Client.

  • Default Value: 43200 (12 hours)
  • Setting Type: Numeric (Seconds)
  • Value Range: 1200-2147483648 (20 minutes - ~25K days)
  • Task Available: No

To control client behavior for actions with "don't care" user constraint and UI to display.

This setting is very useful when you have remote clients connecting to the computer and the remote sessions with an error of User interface process unable to launch (XX.YYYY) for user ''


User interface process unable to launch (22.1008) for user ''

This usually indicates an error condition of the connection to the remote connection was present, but was terminated. We are not able to detect the user name being used because the abandoned user connection was left active but not terminated correctly. Other examples and information related to this are conditions of abandoned session tokens.

  • Default Value: "failed"

    "none" - automatically run the action if the only UI sessions are disabled or failed.

    "failed" - hold the action in a pending message state if there are UI sessions that are failed.

    "all" - hold the action in a pending message state if there are UI sessions that are failed or disabled.
  • Setting Type: String
  • Values: "none" "failed" "all"
  • Task Available: No

This configuration setting will enable the TEM Client debug log that will give information about the TEM Client activity. The higher the level of detail, the greater the detail of the messages that are put into the file and/or NT event log.

  • Default Value: 0 (disabled)
  • Setting Type: Numeric (detail level)
  • Value Range: 0-100
  • Task Available: Yes

Full path to file to store activity messages. If empty string and the computer is not Win9x, activity messages are added to the NT event log. Note: The _BESClient_EMsg_Detail setting must be greater than 0 to use this option.

  • Default Value: blank
  • Setting Type: String (full path)
  • Value Range: N/A
  • Task Available: Yes

The TEM Client will do work (evaluate relevance) for a designated amount of time then go to sleep for a designated amount of time. This setting controls how many milliseconds to work before going to sleep in each cycle. If this number is high in comparison to the _BESClient_Resource_SleepIdle setting, then the TEM Client will evaluate Fixlet relevance faster, but the CPU usage will be higher.

  • Default Value: 10
  • Setting Type: Numeric (MilliSeconds)
  • Value Range: 1-500
  • Task Available: No

The TEM Client will do work (evaluate relevance) for a designated amount of time then go to sleep for a designated amount of time. This setting controls how many milliseconds to sleep after working in each cycle. If this number is high in comparison to the _BESClient_Resource_WorkIdle setting, then the TEM Client will take longer to evaluate Fixlet relevance, but the CPU usage will be lower.

  • Default Value: 480
  • Setting Type: Numeric (milliseconds)
  • Value Range: 1-500
  • Task Available: No

Quiet mode causes the TEM Client to not actively process Fixlets, send in reports, respond to commands, etc. It will basically sit idle until the wakeup time is enabled. A TEM Client can be put in quiet mode for a maximum of 20 hours a day. Note: If you put a TEM Client in quiet mode, it will not send any reports to the TEM Server or respond to any commands so use caution when enabling this setting.

  • Default Value: 0 (False)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (True) - enable quiet mode

    0 (False) - disable quiet mode
  • Task Available: No

If quiet mode is enabled, you can specify a time for the TEM Client to enter quiet mode. Set the time as a string in the form hh:mm where hh is number between 0 and 23, and mm is a number between 0 and 59. This is the local time for which the TEM Client will quiet down to no activity. If the value is not properly formatted, the client will not enter quiet mode.

  • Default Value: None
  • Setting Type: String
  • Value Range: hh:mm
  • Task Available: No

If quiet mode is enabled, you can specify the number of seconds the TEM Client should stay quiet. This number must be greater than 0 and less or equal to 72000 (20 hours) in order for the TEM Client to enter quiet mode. In quiet mode, the TEM Client checks once a minute to determine if the quiet time has elapsed. However, the TEM Client will quickly respond to service shutdown requests at any time.

  • Default Value: None
  • Setting Type: Numeric
  • Value Range: 0-72,000(20 Hours)
  • Task Available: No

This specifies the number of days the TEM Client logs are retained on a computer.

  • Default Value: 10
  • Setting Type: Numeric (Days)
  • Value Range: 1-366
  • Task Available: No

The TEM Client has two methods of communication over the network. The first method uses the Windows URL Monikers API, which is a higher-level network interface that uses the computer's Internet connection settings (such as proxy settings, security settings, etc.). The second method uses the winsock API, which is a lower-level direct socket access layer that doesn't use the computer's Internet connection settings. Using winsock will allow the TEM Client to connect to the TEM Server regardless of the Internet connection settings, but URL Monikers should be used if the Internet connection settings are required for network access to the TEM Server for some reason.

  • Default Value: 0 (False)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (True) - use URL Monikers

    0 (False) - use Winsock
  • Task Available: No

Before the TEM Client tries to gather it will check the Windows API connection test to determine if an internet connection is available. This setting will allow the TEM Client to ignore the results of the connection test and attempt to gather anyway.

  • Default Value: 0 (False)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (True) - ignore connection test

    0 (False) - perform connection test
  • Task Available: No

When set to 0 the TEM Client will not listen for UDP messages. If the TEM Client does not receive UDP messages it will not receive gather pings sent from the TEM Server notifying the TEM Client of new actions and content.

  • Default Value: 1 (True)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (True) - Listen for UDP

    0 (False) - Ignore UDP
  • Task Available: No

The TEM Client will contact the ClientRegister CGI on the TEM Server periodically to report its IP address (this is important if the TEM Client changes IP addresses through DHCP), get the TEM Server time, and get the TEM Server version. If this setting is set too high, the TEM Client may not receive UDP "pings" that tell it to gather the latest sites when new actions or new Fixlet content is available. If this setting is set too low, the TEM Client will flood the TEM Server with registration requests.

  • Default Value: 21600 (6 Hours)
  • Setting Type: Numeric (Seconds)
  • Value Range: 600-82800 (23 Hours)
  • Task Available: No

Normally, TEM Clients will contact their TEM Relay to receive downloads from the internet. This setting forces the TEM Client to download files directly from the internet using the url specified. This setting takes precedence over other download settings.

  • Default Value: 0 (False)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (True) - download from the Internet

    0 (False) - download normally
  • Task Available: No

When the TEM Client fails to download a file from the TEM Server or TEM Relay, it can attempt to download the file directly from the Internet. Note: if there is a proxy in your network that blocks unauthenticated access to the Internet, turning this setting to 1 (True) may not work.

  • Default Value: 0 (False)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (True) - download from the Internet on failure

    0 (False) - do not download from Internet on failure
  • Task Available: No

When set to 0, the TEM Client will download files directly from the main TEM Server if it can't find a TEM Relay. When set to 1, the TEM Client will not attempt to collect downloads from the main TEM Server.

  • Default Value: 0
  • Setting Type: Numeric (Minutes)
  • Value Range: 1 (True) - Bypass main TEM Server

    0 (False) - Failover to main TEM Server
  • Task Available: No

When the TEM Client fails to download a file from the TEM Server or a TEM Relay during an action, it will wait for the specified amount of time then try again. After each failed attempt, it will double the retry time.

  • Default Value: 1
  • Setting Type: Numeric (Minutes)
  • Value Range: 0-480 (8 Hours)
  • Task Available: No

When the TEM Client fails to download a file from the TEM Server or a TEM Relay during an action, it will retry the specified number of times (each time it will double the amount of time it waits to retry).

  • Default Value: 6
  • Setting Type: Numeric (retry limit)
  • Value Range: 0-100
  • Task Available: No

The TEM Client can simultaneously download two files at a time by using one "main channel" and one "thin channel". The main channel is used for all downloads, but if the main channel is currently downloading a large file, the thin channel can be used to download smaller files if the download size is less than the specified threshold. If this setting is set high, the TEM Client will use the thin channel to download larger files, which could slow down actions because two large files may be downloading at the same time (each using half the bandwidth) instead of one file after the other. If this setting is set low, the thin channel will be used for only very small file downloads.

  • Default Value: 500,000
  • Setting Type: Numeric (bytes)
  • Value Range: 1-100,000,000 (Set to 0 to disable the thin channel)
  • Task Available: No

The TEM Client can "throttle" the download speed by limiting the amount of bytes it downloads per second. This setting is especially effective if network bandwidth is a concern (such as with a dial-up connection). If the TEM Server or TEM Relay is also set to use throttling, the lower of the two values will be used as the download speed.

  • Default Value: 0 (disabled)
  • Setting Type: Numeric (bytes/second)
  • Value Range: 0-4,294,967,296 (Set to 0 to disable download throttling)
  • Task Available: Yes

When the TEM Client is downloading a file from the TEM Server or TEM Relay, it sometimes will experience some inactivity because of network problems, disconnections, etc. When there is inactivity, the TEM Client will wait for the specified number of seconds to receive more data before aborting the download.

  • Default Value: 300 (5 minutes)
  • Setting Type: Numeric (seconds)
  • Value Range: 0-4,294,967,296
  • Task Available: No

When the TEM Clients are performing an action, they will send reports of the status of the action (Evaluating, Waiting, Running, Fixed, etc.). This setting controls the minimum number seconds between sending reports. If this number is too high, the TEM Clients will take a long time update their action status. If this number is too low, it will put extra load on the TEM Server to process the extra action status reports.

  • Default Value: 15
  • Setting Type: Numeric (seconds)
  • Value Range: 1-3600 (1 hour)
  • Task Available: No

If users are allowed to postpone running an action a dialog will appear on the TEM Client computer asking the user how long they want to postpone the action. After some amount of time the action will automatically be postponed and the dialog will close. This setting controls the length of time to display the postponement dialog.

  • Default Value: 120 (2 min)
  • Setting Type: Numeric (seconds)
  • Value Range: 0-21600 (6 hours)
  • Task Available: No

This setting controls the title of the action postponement dialog that appears on TEM Client computers for actions that can be postponed by users. By default the title is 'Reminder'.

  • Default Value: Reminder
  • Setting Type: String
  • Value Range: N/A
  • Task Available: No

This setting will disable the use of any inspectors that make calls to the Windows WMI. WMI has been found to cause problems on some computers, especially older versions of Windows (95 and 98). Problems include high CPU usage and 'blue screen' crashing of Windows. WMI is used by some some optional retrieved properties.

  • Default Value: 0
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (True) - WMI inspectors disabled

    0 (False) - WMI inspectors enabled
  • Task Available: No

String(s) residing in the key X which are to be ignored by the TEM Client when determining if a restart is needed.

Note: The strings must be separated by semicolons and the last string must have a terminating semicolon (for example "exclude1;exclude2;exclude3").

Also Note: the strings are case sensitive.

  • Default Value: blank
  • Setting Type: String
  • Value Range: N/A
  • Task Available: No

This configuration setting will enable TEM Clients to�display non-English messages if the translation files are in�place (TEM 6.0+).

  • Default Value: 1 (enabled)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (enable), 0 (disable)
  • Task Available: Yes

This configuration setting will remind users periodically that they have actions to run that they have postponed (TEM 6.0+).

  • Default Value: 0 (disabled)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (enable), 0 (disable)
  • Task Available: Yes

A value of 1 will cause the client to handle restart and shutdown operations in a forceful way that will not give applications the opportunity to cancel the operation. Terminal services systems should always have this set to 1.

  • Default Value: 0 (disabled)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (enable), 0 (disable)
  • Task Available: No

This configuration setting will determine whether or not message boxes will have an entry in the Windows task bar (TEM 6.0+).

  • Default Value: 0 (disabled)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (enable), 0 (disable)
  • Task Available: Yes

When this configuration setting is enabled, computers will poll their parent relay for UDP commands they may have missed (TEM 6.0+).

  • Default Value: 0 (disabled)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (enable), 0 (disable)
  • Task Available: Yes

This configuration setting determines how often the TEM Client will check with its TEM Relay for any gathers or refreshes, if the "_BESClient_Comm_CommandPollEnable" setting is enabled. Avoid setting this to be less than 900 seconds due to performance implications (TEM 6.0+).

  • Default Value: 900
  • Setting Type: Numeric (seconds)
  • Value Range: 60-31536000 (1 Year)
  • Task Available: Yes

This configuration setting sets the TEM Client download cache limit (TEM 6.0+).

  • Default Value: 20
  • Setting Type: Numeric (MB)
  • Value Range: 0-4294967295
  • Task Available: No

This configuration setting sets the Utility cache limit (TEM 6.0+).

  • Default Value: 10
  • Setting Type: Numeric (MB)
  • Value Range: 0-4294967295
  • Task Available: No

This configuration setting enables a TEM 6.0 Client to gather from a TEM 5.1 Relay for troubleshooting purposes (TEM 6.0+).

  • Default Value: 0 (disabled)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (enable), 0 (disable)
  • Task Available: No

When a TEM Client receives a UDP message but is too busy processing a relevance clause, this TEM 6.0 configuration setting determines the length of time the TEM Client will wait before it stops evaluating the relevance clause to deal with the UDP message.

  • Default Value: 60
  • Setting Type: Numeric (seconds)
  • Value Range: 0-82800 (23 Hours)
  • Task Available: Yes

TEM Client Settings for TEM Relay control TOP

(Set on the TEM Clients to control their behavior to the TEM Relays.)


The TEM Relay selection algorithm will run this often. If a closer TEM Relay is found, the closer TEM Relay will be used. Note that if the TEM Relay selection is failing, this interval is ignored.

  • Default Value: 21600 (6 hours)
  • Setting Type: Numeric (number of seconds)
  • Value Range: 0-31,536,000 (1 year)
  • Task Available: Yes

If the TEM Relay selection algorithm fails (no TEM Relays are found), the TEM Client will try again after this many seconds. The TEM Client will double this value on each successive retry that fails to locate a TEM Relay.

  • Default Value: 60
  • Setting Type: Numeric (number of seconds)
  • Value Range: 0-31,536,000 (1 year)
  • Task Available: Yes

After failing to find a TEM Relay, the TEM Client will continue to try to find a TEM Relay. Each time it fails, the TEM Client will double the time it spends until this maximum is exceeded. Then the TEM Client will try with this maximum retry interval until it successfully selects a TEM Relay.

  • Default Value: 7200 (2 Hours)
  • Setting Type: Numeric (Seconds)
  • Value Range: 0-31,536,000 (1 year)
  • Task Available: Yes

The maximum number of network hops (Time To Live) a TEM Client will search over before considering its automatic relay selection attempt a failure. A TEM Client will be able to find only TEM Relays that are less then the maximum number of network hops away from the TEM Client. This setting can be used to limit the ICMP traffic generated by the automatic relay selection algorithm.

  • Default Value: 20 for TEM 7.0+; 255 for < TEM 7.0
  • Setting Type: Numeric
  • Value Range: 1-255
  • Task Available: Yes

During the automatic relay selection algorithm, the TEM Client will wait this long between each iteration. On each iteration the TEM Client sends ICMP packets with a TTL greater then the last iteration. This setting can be used to slow down the automatic relay selection algorithm and reduce the network traffic generated.

  • Default Value: Default Value: 200 (MicroSeconds)
  • Setting Type: Setting Type: Numeric
  • Value Range: Value Range: 0-1,000,000 (1 Second)
  • Task Available: Task Available: No

This setting controls the time interval that the TEM Client will ignore communications errors before performing TEM Relay selection. Once a TEM Relay has been selected and the TEM Client has successfully registered, it will ignore errors when it attempts to post its results to the TEM Relay or TEM Server for this long before deciding to choose another TEM Relay.

  • Default Value: 600 (10 Minutes)
  • Setting Type: Numeric (Seconds)
  • Value Range: 0-21,600 (6 Hours)
  • Task Available: Yes

This setting determines what the TEM Client will do in the event that no TEM Relays respond to TTL pings up to the maximum configured distance. In this event, the TEM Client will attempt to register with the defined failover TEM Relay before trying the TEM Server. This setting was first introduced in TEM 5.1.

Note: This format is the same as for the settings __RelayServer1 and __RelayServer2. For example:http://servername:port/bfmirror/downloads/

  • Default Value: None
  • Setting Type: String (Failover Relay)
  • Value Range: Registration URL
  • Task Available: No

When using manual relay selection, this setting is a way to specify a list of failover relays to choose from when the primary and secondary relays are not reachable. This setting is a semi-colon delimited list of relays to try. Manual selection goes in this order, primary/secondary/tertiary list/failover/root. For automatic relay selection you should look at the document on relay affiliation.

  • Default Value: None
  • Setting Type: String
  • Value Range: string seperated list
  • Task Available: No

If the TEM Relay is using a DNS name that is not accessible by all TEM Clients, an override can be used. If this value is set on the TEM Relay computer, it will return this setting for the dns name inspector, which will be reported to the TEM Server and used by other TEM Clients to locate the TEM Relay. You can also use this value if you want your TEM Clients to locate their relays by IP address, rather than DNS name lookup. For example, if the TEM Relay is reported at relay1:52311, you can use this setting to make the TEM Relay be accessible at relay1.company.com:52311 or even (Note: this value needs to be set on only the one TEM Relay computer and not on all the TEM Client computers.)

  • Default Value: None
  • Setting Type: String (override name)
  • Value Range: hostname OR ipaddress (do not include port number)
  • Task Available: Yes

Setting this setting to 0 will cause the TEM Client to use only the TEM Relay system to collect downloads and all other interactions will interact directly with the main TEM Server. This setting is provided in order to allow a configuration where the load on a TEM Relay does not significantly change from the 3.x TEM Relay implementation. Note that the TEM Clients with this setting of 0 will not manage their TEM Relays configuration automatically. TEM Clients with this setting will ignore the automatic configuration setting and will collect downloads from their primary and then secondary TEM Relays.

  • Default Value: 1 (True)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (True) - All TEM Client communications will go through the TEM Relay

    0 (False) - Download files from only the TEM Relay (all other network transactions will use the TEM Server)
  • Task Available: No

Setting this setting to 1 will cause the TEM Client to poll for new gathers or refreshes. Please refer to the setting _BESClient_Comm_CommandPollIntervalSeconds for the timing of the poll. Setting this to a value of 0 will disable this mechanism. This setting was first added in TEM 6.0.

  • Default Value: 0 (False)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (True) - The TEM Client will check with its TEM Relay for any new gathers or refreshes

    0 (False) - The TEM Client will not check with its TEM Relay for any new gathers or refreshes
  • Task Available: No

This setting determines how often the TEM Client will check with its TEM Relay for any new gathers or refreshes. It must be enabled with the setting _BESClient_Comm_CommandPollEnable

  • Default Value: 0 (disabled)
  • Setting Type: Numeric (Seconds)
  • Value Range: 0-82800 (23 Hours)
  • Task Available: No

TEM Gather (Component of the TEM Server and TEM Relay) TOP


This configuration setting will enable the TEM Gather debug log that will give information about the TEM Gather activity. The higher the level of detail, the greater the detail of the messages that are put into the file and/or NT event log.

  • Default Value: 0 (disabled)
  • Setting Type: Numeric (detail level)
  • Value Range: 0-100
  • Task Available: No

Full path to file that stores activity messages. If empty string and the computer is not Win9x, activity messages are added to the NT event log.Note: The _BESClient_EMsg_Detail setting must be greater than 0 to use this option.

  • Default Value: blank
  • Setting Type: String (full path)
  • Value Range: N/A
  • Task Available: No

The TEM Gather service has two methods of communication over the network. The first method uses the Windows URL Monikers API, which is a higher-level network interface that uses the computer's Internet connection settings (such as proxy settings, security settings, etc.). The second method uses the winsock API, which is a lower-level direct socket access layer that doesn't use the computer's Internet connection settings. URL Monikers are used by default to connect to the Internet using the Internet connection settings. Using winsock will allow TEM Gather to connect to the Internet without using the Internet connection settings.

  • Default Value: TEM Server: 1 (True)

    TEM Relay: 0 (False)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (True) - use URL Monikers

    0 (False) - use Winsock
  • Task Available: No

When a file is requested from the TEM Relay, it can either download the file from the TEM Server or download the file directly from the Internet. If this setting is set to 1 (True), then the TEM Relay will first attempt to download the file from the TEM Server. Note: This setting should stay at 0 (False) for the TEM Server.

  • Default Value: TEM Server: 0 (False)

    TEM Relay: 1 (True)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (True) - Check the TEM Server first to download the file

    0 (False) - Do not check the TEM Server when to download the file
  • Task Available: No

When a file is requested from the TEM Relay, it can download the file directly from the Internet instead of from the TEM Server. If this setting is set to 1 (True), then the TEM Relay will first attempt to connect to the TEM Server (if the _BESGather_Download_CheckParentFlag is set to 1) then directly connect to the Internet if the download from the TEM Server fails. Note: This setting should stay at 1 (True) for the TEM Server.

  • Default Value: TEM Server: 1 (True)

    TEM Relay: 0 (False)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (True) - Download the file directly from the Internet

    0 (False) - Do not download the file directly from the Internet
  • Task Available: No

TEM Gather will cache downloaded files on the TEM Server or TEM Relay computer so that the file will not need to be downloaded again if the action is reissued. This setting will specify how many MB to cache before overwriting the old files. When the cache is full, the least recently used files will be replaced.

Note: This caching number applies to both cached files and cached action folders so the total space that the TEM Relay will take up is actually 2x cache size (by default this is 2 GB).

  • Default Value: 1024
  • Setting Type: Numeric (MB)
  • Value Range: 1-4,294,967,296
  • Task Available: Yes

When TEM Gather fails to download a file from the Internet or its parent during an action, it will wait for the specified amount of time then try again. After each failed attempt, it will double the retry time.

  • Default Value: 1
  • Setting Type: Numeric (minutes)
  • Value Range: 0-1440 (24 hours)
  • Task Available: No

When TEM Gather fails to download a file from the Internet or its parent during an action, it will retry the specified number of times (each time it will double the amount of time it waited to retry the last time).

  • Default Value: 432
  • Setting Type: Numeric (retry limit)
  • Value Range: max 32int
  • Task Available: No

TEM Gather can simultaneously download two files at a time by using one "main channel" and one "thin channel". The main channel is used for all downloads, but if the main channel is currently downloading a large file, the thin channel can be used to download smaller files if the download size is less than the specified threshold. If this setting is set high, TEM Gather will use the thin channel to download larger files, which could slow down actions because two large files may be downloading at the same time (each using half the bandwidth) instead of one file after the other. If this setting is set low, the thin channel will be used for only very small file downloads.

  • Default Value: 500,000
  • Setting Type: Numeric (bytes)
  • Value Range: 1-100,000,000 (Set to 0 to disable the thin channel)
  • Task Available: No

TEM Gather can "throttle" the download speed by limiting the amount of bytes it downloads per second. This setting is especially effective if network bandwidth is a concern (such as with a dial-up connection). When this setting is used on the TEM Relay, the TEM Relay will limit its download speed when downloading from the TEM Server or parent TEM Relay. As of TEM 5.0, this setting throttles all downloading traffic.

  • Default Value: 0 (disabled)
  • Setting Type: Numeric (bytes/sec)
  • Value Range: 0-4,294,967,296 (Set to 0 to disable download throttling and use the maximum possible bandwidth)
  • Task Available: No

When the TEM Gather service is downloading a file from the Internet or its parent, it sometimes will experience some inactivity because of network problems, disconnections, etc. When there is inactivity, TEM Gather will wait for the specified number of seconds to receive more data before aborting the download.

  • Default Value: 300 (5 minutes)
  • Setting Type: Numeric (seconds)
  • Value Range: 0-4,294,967,296 (Set to 0 to disable time-out mechanism)
  • Task Available: No

This string determines the User-Agent: string in the HTTP headers that the BES Gather Services uses

  • Default Value: none
  • Setting Type: String (Path)
  • Value Range: N/A
  • Task Available: No

TEM Relay Settings TOP

(Set on the TEM Client to control the TEM Relay component.)


A value of "0" makes the TEM Relay unavailable for auto seletion after the next actionsite propagation. A value of "1" allows the TEM Relay to be used by TEM Clients for auto selection.

  • Default Value: 1 (enabled)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (True) - Enable Auto Selection

    0 (False) - Disable Auto Selection
  • Task Available: No
_Enterprise Server_ClientRegister_MaxChildCount

Maximum number of clients the TEM relay will allow to register. Once this limit is reached, connections will be rejected.

  • Default Value: 0 (no limit)
  • Setting Type: Numeric (number of TEM Clients)
  • Value Range: 0-65536
  • Task Available: No
_Enterprise Server_ClientRegister_MaxChildRelayCount

Maximum allowed number of TEM Clients that are TEM Relays. This limit is calculated independently of the MaxChildCount -- it can be used to keep a TEM Relay from indirectly acquiring a lot of TEM Clients by picking up too many children that are TEM relays.

  • Default Value: 0 (no limit)
  • Setting Type: Numeric (number of TEM Clients)
  • Value Range: 0-65536
  • Task Available: No

A non-zero value will enable verbose logging on the TEM Relay for troubleshooting purposes. This setting increases the information written to the existing logfile.txt and should not be left on during normal operation.

  • Default Value: 0 (disabled)
  • Setting Type: Boolean
  • Value Range: 1 (True) - Enable Verbose Logs

    0 (False) - Disable Verbose Logs
  • Task Available: No

Maximum number of simultaneous connections, once this limit is reached, connections will be rejected.

  • Default Value: 1024
  • Setting Type: Numeric (number of threads)
  • Value Range: 1-65536
  • Task Available: No

'Global' throttling on outgoing data to TEM Clients from the TEM Relay/Server (0 means no limit). If its value is 1000 and there are 100 clients downloading simultaneously, the TEM Relay/Server will send data to each TEM Client at 10KBPS (for a total of 1000KBPS). Throttling is implemented by sending a chunk of data at full speed, and then waiting chunksize/KBPS seconds before sending the next chunk so if all requests are smaller than the chunk size, then there may be no throttling at all. Uploaded data to other TEM Relays/Server is not throttled by this setting (PostResults data).

  • Default Value: 0 (disabled)
  • Setting Type: Numeric (KBPS)
  • Value Range: 1-65536
  • Task Available: Yes

The TEM Relay accumulates reports from the TEM Clients and then compresses them and sends them to the parent TEM Relay or TEM Server. This setting sets the maximum number of reports in each compressed report. Results are forwarded once the ResultCountLimit or ResultTimeLimit is reached. Setting a low value will cause more network traffic with increased response time. A higher value will result in less network traffic with slower response time.

  • Default Value: 500
  • Setting Type: Numeric (Number of results)
  • Value Range: 1-4,294,967,296
  • Task Available: No

The TEM Relay accumulates reports from the TEM Clients and then compresses them and sends them to the parent TEM Relay or TEM Server after waiting a specified amount of time. This setting sets the amount of time to wait before sending the reports. The longer the wait, the more latency before the TEM Server receives the reports from the TEM Clients, but the greater the efficiency of the system (lower network traffic).

  • Default Value: 3
  • Setting Type: Numeric (Number of seconds)
  • Value Range: 1-4,294,967,296
  • Task Available: No

If set a connection log will be written to this path. A new log file will be created each day with the days date as teh name of the file. Connection logs can get quite big, gigabytes per day, so this setting should be used for only troubleshooting purposes.

  • Default Value: none
  • Setting Type: String (Path)
  • Value Range: N/A
  • Task Available: No

Sets the number of days to keep connection logs for. After this many days the older connection logs will be deleted.

  • Default Value: 3
  • Setting Type: Numeric
  • Value Range: 1-4,294,967,296
  • Task Available: No
_Enterprise Server_ClientRegister_ProxyUser

A TEM Relay can be set up to use a proxy server when downloading files. This could be useful if their is a proxy between the TEM Relay and the TEM Server or if the TEM Relay is connecting directly to the internet for downloads and must use a proxy. This setting controls the username used to authenticate with the proxy if the proxy requires authentication.

  • Default Value: None
  • Setting Type: String (username)
  • Value Range: N/A
  • Task Available: No
_Enterprise Server_ClientRegister_ProxyPass

A TEM Relay can be set up to use a proxy server when downloading files. This could be useful if their is a proxy between the TEM Relay and the TEM Server or if the TEM Relay is connecting directly to the internet for downloads and must use a proxy. This setting controls the password used to authenticate with the proxy if the proxy requires authentication. Warning: The password will be stored in plain text within the registry.

  • Default Value: None
  • Setting Type: String
  • Value Range: N/A
  • Task Available: No
_Enterprise Server_ClientRegister_ProxyServer

A TEM Relay can be set up to use a proxy server when downloading files. This could be useful if their is a proxy between the TEM Relay and the TEM Server or if the TEM Relay is connecting directly to the internet for downloads and must use a proxy. This setting controls the hostname used to reach the proxy.

  • Default Value: None
  • Setting Type: String
  • Value Range: N/A
  • Task Available: No
_Enterprise Server_ClientRegister_ProxyPort

A TEM Relay can be set up to use a proxy server when downloading files. This could be useful if their is a proxy between the TEM Relay and the TEM Server or if the TEM Relay is connecting directly to the internet for downloads and must use a proxy. This setting controls the port used by the proxy server.

  • Default Value: None
  • Setting Type: String
  • Value Range: N/A
  • Task Available: No

This setting controls the number of UDP pings the TEM Relay will send before delaying for a period of time. The length of the delay is controlled by _BESRelay_ClientRegister_BatchDelay. This setting could be used to limit the rate at which a TEM Relay sends out UDP pings if this network traffic is harmful in some way.

  • Default Value: 100
  • Setting Type: Numeric (number of pings)
  • Value Range: 1-4,294,967,296
  • Task Available: No

This setting controls how long the TEM Relay will wait between sending out a batch of UDP pings to TEM Clients. This setting could be used to limit the rate at which a TEM Relay sends out UDP pings if this network traffic is harmful in some way.

  • Default Value: 1000
  • Setting Type: Numeric (Milliseconds)
  • Value Range: 1-4,294,967,296
  • Task Available: No

This setting is used to control the maximum length a chain of TEM Relays can extend. The setting prevents circular chains of TEM Relays from forming by automatic TEM Relay selection. This setting could be used to stop long chains of TEM Relays from forming or create a maximum depth a TEM Relay can be from the TEM Server.

  • Default Value: 32
  • Setting Type: Numeric
  • Value Range: 1-4,294,967,296
  • Task Available: No

This setting controls how quickly TEM Relays mark TEM Clients as expired. TEM Clients have this length of time to register again before their license is made available for use by another TEM Client. This setting could be used to increase the rate at which licenses are transfered from offline TEM Clients to active TEM Clients when the total number of clients gets above the license seat count.

  • Default Value: 1440 (1 Day)
  • Setting Type: Numeric (Minutes)
  • Value Range: 1-4,294,967,296
  • Task Available: No