IBM Endpoint Manager Inspectors Reference


Win: Windows
Lin: Red Hat and SUSE Linux
Sol: SUN Solaris
HPUX: Hewlett-Packard UNIX version
Mac: Apple Macintosh
Ubu: Ubuntu/Debian
WM: Windows Mobile

The version (e.g. Lin:8.1) corresponds to the version of the IEM product (8.1) in which the inspector was introduced in the client on that platform.
The version number is not shown if it is less than 8.0.



Action Objects
Authorization Objects
Client Objects
Directory Services
Environment Objects
Filesystem Objects
Firewall Objects
Fixlet Objects
Formatting Objects
Installed System Software
debian base package
debian package upstream version
debian package upstream version with multiplicity
debian package version
debian package version epoch
debian package version epoch with multiplicity
debian package version revision
debian package version revision with multiplicity
debian package version with multiplicity
debian versioned package
debianpkg dependency
debianpkg reverse dependencies
debianpkg verfile
debianpkg version
rpm package release
rpm package release with multiplicity
rpm package version
rpm package version record
rpm package version record with multiplicity
rpm package version with multiplicity
short rpm package version record
short rpm package version record with multiplicity
License Objects
Microsoft IIS Metabase Objects
Networking Objects
Power Objects
Primitive Objects
Registry Objects
Session Objects
Session Statistics
Site Objects
SMBIOS objects
System Objects
Task Objects
User Objects
Windows Mobile Device Objects
WMI Objects
World Objects

IBM Endpoint Manager wiki

Installed System Software

These Inspectors help you manage system objects and software packages.


The <rpmdatabase> objects are the Linux RPM Package Manager Inspectors. The RPM database contains entries for all the installed programs on this computer.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
rpmReturns an object representing the rpm database of the machine.

names of packages of rpm - Returns a list of all the software packages in the RPM database on this computer.
Lin, AIX:8.2
rpm <string>Returns an object corresponding to the database named by <string>.Lin, AIX:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
capability <string> of <rpmdatabase><capability>

Plural: capabilities
Returns a capability object matching this string if some package in the RPM database provides that capability.Lin, AIX:8.2
installed <string> of <rpmdatabase><boolean>

Plural: installeds
Returns TRUE if some package in the RPM database provides the capability represented by this string.Lin, AIX:8.2
package <string> of <rpmdatabase><package>

Plural: packages
Returns the named package from the given RPM database.Lin, AIX:8.2
package conflicting with <capability> of <rpmdatabase><package>

Plural: packages conflicting with
Returns a package in the RPM database that conflicts with this capability. If any packages are returned, then the rpm command will not allow any package providing this capability to be installed.Lin, AIX:8.2
package installing <capability> of <rpmdatabase><package>

Plural: packages installing
Finds the package that installed the specified capability.Lin, AIX:8.2
package of <rpmdatabase><package>

Plural: packages
Returns all the packages in the given RPM database.Lin, AIX:8.2
package providing <capability> of <rpmdatabase><package>

Plural: packages providing
Returns a package in the RPM database that provides this capability. If no packages are returned, then the rpm command will not allow any packages requiring this capability to be installed.Lin, AIX:8.2
package requiring <capability> of <rpmdatabase><package>

Plural: packages requiring
Returns a package in the RPM database that requires this capability. If any packages are returned, then the rpm command will not allow any installed package that provides this capability to be uninstalled.Lin, AIX:8.2


This filesystem object can inspect the propeties of an RPM (RPM Package Manager) package. Each package contains information about the program, including name and version.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
package <string> of <rpmdatabase>Returns the named package from the given RPM database.

version of package "glibc" of rpm - Returns the version of the glibc package of the rpm database.
Lin, AIX:8.2
package conflicting with <capability> of <rpmdatabase>Returns a package in the RPM database that conflicts with this capability. If any packages are returned, then the rpm command will not allow any package providing this capability to be installed.

package conflicting with (capability "apache2") of rpm - Returns a string like "apache-1.3.23-88", indicating which package(s) conflict with the specified capability.
Lin, AIX:8.2
package installing <capability> of <rpmdatabase>Finds the package that installed the specified capability.

package installing (capability "/opt/BESClient/BESLib/") of rpm - Returns BESAgent-, the package that installed the specified capability.
Lin, AIX:8.2
package of <rpmdatabase>Returns all the packages in the given RPM database.Lin, AIX:8.2
package providing <capability> of <rpmdatabase>Returns a package in the RPM database that provides this capability. If no packages are returned, then the rpm command will not allow any packages requiring this capability to be installed.

package providing (capability "ssh") of rpm - Returns a string like "openssh-3.0.2p1-162", indicating which package(s) provide the specified capability.
Lin, AIX:8.2
package requiring <capability> of <rpmdatabase>Returns a package in the RPM database that requires this capability. If any packages are returned, then the rpm command will not allow any installed package that provides this capability to be uninstalled.

package requiring (capability "perl") of rpm - Returns a string like "apache-1.3.23-88", which is an application package that requires Perl.
Lin, AIX:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<package> as string<string>Creates a string containing the package's name, version and release.Lin, AIX:8.2
architecture of <package><string>

Plural: architectures
The architecture represents the CPU type that the RPM Package was designed to be used on. Typical values are i386, i686, or x86_64, but packages can be created with archtectures like 'noarch' or have no architecture specified at all.Lin, AIX:8.2
conflict of <package><capability>

Plural: conflicts
Returns capability objects that conflict with this package in the RPM database.Lin, AIX:8.2
installed file of <package><capability>

Plural: installed files
The list of actual files that the package leaves installed.Lin, AIX:8.2
name of <package><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the given RPM package.Lin, AIX:8.2
obsolete of <package><capability>

Plural: obsoletes
Returns a capability object that this package obsoletes.Lin, AIX:8.2
provide of <package><capability>

Plural: provides
Returns capability objects for each capability that this package provides.Lin, AIX:8.2
require of <package><capability>

Plural: requires
Returns capability objects for each capability that this package requires.Lin, AIX:8.2
rpm version record of <package><rpm package version record>

Plural: rpm version records
Returns the RPM version records of the specified package.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
unique name of <package><string>

Plural: unique names
Returns the unique values of a given list of <package> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
version of <package><version>

Plural: versions
Returns the version of the given RPM package.Lin, AIX:8.2


A package can have capabilities that it requires, provides, obsoletes, or conflicts with. For instance, apache may require sh, and provide httpd. If you want to install apache, you will need to have sh in the RPM database. If you want to install a package that uses httpd, you will need to install apache.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
capability <string>Converts a string to a capability object for rpm dependency version comparisons. Strings with version information take the form capability relation version, where relation is one of {<,>,>=,<=,=}. If a relation and version are not specified, then comparisons will assume a capability at any version number.

capability "libxml2 >= 2.4.7" - Returns a capability named "libxml2 >= 2.4.7".
Lin, AIX:8.2
capability <string> of <rpmdatabase>Returns a capability object matching this string if some package in the RPM database provides that capability.

capability "apache" of rpm - If installed, returns "apache". You can only create capability of rpm objects if the capability is actually in the RPM database.
Lin, AIX:8.2
conflict of <package>Returns capability objects that conflict with this package in the RPM database.

conflict of package "openssh" of rpm - Returns a string, such as "nonfreessh". The openssh program is specifying a conflict with nonfreessh.
Lin, AIX:8.2
installed file of <package>The list of actual files that the package leaves installed.

installed files of package "BESAgent" of rpm - Returns a list of the installed files.
Lin, AIX:8.2
obsolete of <package>Returns a capability object that this package obsoletes.

obsolete of package "mod_php4" of rpm - Returns a string such as "mod_php", which a capability that is obsoleted by the current package.
Lin, AIX:8.2
provide of <package>Returns capability objects for each capability that this package provides.

provide of package "apache" of rpm - Returns a string such as "httpd", which indicates a functional capability of the apache software.
Lin, AIX:8.2
require of <package>Returns capability objects for each capability that this package requires.

require of package "apache" of rpm - Returns a string such as "/bin/sh" to indicate a requirement of the package.
Lin, AIX:8.2


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<capability> contains <capability><boolean>Returns a boolean TRUE if the first capability satisfies the dependency specified by the second capability. A capability without version information is interpreted as a capability over all versions. If a package requires a capability not contained in the RPM database, then the rpm command will not allow that package to be installed.Lin


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<capability> as string<string>Creates a string containing the capability's name, relation and version.Lin, AIX:8.2
name of <capability><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of this capability object.Lin, AIX:8.2
relation of <capability><string>

Plural: relations
If this capability object has version information, the relation is returned.Lin, AIX:8.2
version of <capability><string>

Plural: versions
If this capability object has version information, the version is returned.Lin, AIX:8.2

rpm package release

The <rpm package release> Inspectors disclose properties of the RPM package version record Inspector. They are collected from the 'Release' component of the Epoch, Version and Release fields associated with an RPM package. The behavior of this inspector differs from a string, because they are sorted according to RPM rules defined by the rpmvercmp() function of the RPM library. Don't create an <rpm package release> inspector with embedded '-' or whitespace characters. These characters are disallowed in RPM, and will cause the statement to fail. Note: Requires the presence of the RPM library and librpminfo (an open source library created by BigFix containing modified RPM library code) on the client machine. librpminfo is installed on the client as part of the normal BES client RPM installation procedure.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
rpm package release <rpm package release>Iterates through the RPM package release objects.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
rpm package release <string>Returns the named RPM package release.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
maximum of <rpm package release>Returns the maximum value from a list of <rpm package release> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
minimum of <rpm package release>Returns the minimum value from a list of <rpm package release> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
release of <rpm package version record>Returns the RPM Package release for the specified version record.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
release of <short rpm package version record>Returns the RPM Package release for the specified short version record.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<rpm package release> {cmp} <rpm package release><boolean>Compares two RPM Package releases, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Lin:8.0
<rpm package release> {cmp} <string><boolean>Compares an RPM Package release with a string value, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Lin:8.0
<string> {cmp} <rpm package release><boolean>Compares a string to an RPM Package release, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Lin:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<rpm package release> as string<string>Casts an RPM Package release object as a string type.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
extrema of <rpm package release><( rpm package release, rpm package release )>

Plural: extremas
Returns the minimum and maximum extreme values of the given list of RPM package releases.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
maximum of <rpm package release><rpm package release>

Plural: maxima
Returns the maximum value from a list of <rpm package release> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
minimum of <rpm package release><rpm package release>

Plural: minima
Returns the minimum value from a list of <rpm package release> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
unique value of <rpm package release><rpm package release with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values of a given list of <rpm package release> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2

rpm package release with multiplicity

The <rpm package release with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of RPM package releases, allowing you to extract unique releases and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <rpm package release>Returns the unique values of a given list of <rpm package release> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <rpm package release with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <rpm package release> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2

rpm package version

The <rpm package version> Inspectors disclose properties of the RPM package version record Inspector. They are collected from the 'Version' component of the Epoch, Version and Release fields associated with an RPM package. The behavior of this inspector differs from a string, because they are sorted according to RPM rules defined by the rpmvercmp() function of the RPM library. Don't create an <rpm package release> inspector with embedded '-' or whitespace characters. These characters are disallowed in RPM, and will cause the statement to fail. Note: Requires the presence of the RPM library and librpminfo (an open source library created by BigFix containing modified RPM library code) on the client machine. librpminfo is installed on the client as part of the normal BES client RPM installation procedure.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
rpm package version <rpm package version>Iterates through the RPM package version objects.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
rpm package version <string>Returns the named RPM package version.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
maximum of <rpm package version>Returns the maximum value from a list of <rpm package version> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
minimum of <rpm package version>Returns the minimum value from a list of <rpm package version> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
version of <rpm package version record>Returns the version of the specified RPM package version record.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
version of <short rpm package version record>Returns the version of the specified short RPM package version record.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<rpm package version> {cmp} <rpm package version><boolean>Compares two RPM Package versions, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Lin:8.0
<rpm package version> {cmp} <string><boolean>Compares an RPM Package version to a string, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Lin:8.0
<string> {cmp} <rpm package version><boolean>Compares a string to an RPM Package version, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Lin:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<rpm package version> as string<string>Casts an RPM package version as a string type.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
extrema of <rpm package version><( rpm package version, rpm package version )>

Plural: extremas
Returns the minimum and maximum extreme values of the given list of RPM package versions.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
maximum of <rpm package version><rpm package version>

Plural: maxima
Returns the maximum value from a list of <rpm package version> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
minimum of <rpm package version><rpm package version>

Plural: minima
Returns the minimum value from a list of <rpm package version> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
unique value of <rpm package version><rpm package version with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values of a given list of <rpm package version> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2

rpm package version with multiplicity

The <rpm package version with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of RPM package versions, allowing you to extract unique versions and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <rpm package version>Returns the unique values of a given list of <rpm package version> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <rpm package version with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <rpm package version> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2

rpm package version record

The <rpm package version record> Inspectors provide version-related information, such as Epoch, Version and Release, for an RPM package. Inspectors of this type are sorted according to an RPM-specific ordering mechanism defined by the rpmVersionCompare() function of the RPM library.Note: Requires the presence of the RPM library and librpminfo (an open source library created by BigFix containing modified RPM library code) on the client machine. librpminfo is installed on the client as part of the normal BES client RPM installation procedure.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
rpm package version record <rpm package version record>Iterates through the RPM package version record objects.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
rpm package version record <short rpm package version record>Iterates through the RPM package version record objects (short version).Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
rpm package version record <string>Returns the named RPM package version record.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
rpm version record of <package>Returns the RPM version records of the specified package.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
maximum of <rpm package version record>Returns the maximum value from a list of <rpm package version record> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
minimum of <rpm package version record>Returns the minimum value from a list of <rpm package version record> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
no epoch of <rpm package version record>Strips the epoch from the specified RPM package version record.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
<short rpm package version record> as rpm package version recordCasts a short RPM Package version record as a long version.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
long form of <short rpm package version record>Returns an ROM Package Version record from the short version of the same.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<rpm package version record> {cmp} <rpm package version record><boolean>Compares two RPM Package version records, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Lin:8.0
<rpm package version record> {cmp} <short rpm package version record><boolean>Compares an RPM Package version record with a short RPM package version record, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Lin:8.0
<rpm package version record> {cmp} <string><boolean>Compares an RPM package version record against a string, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Lin:8.0
<short rpm package version record> {cmp} <rpm package version record><boolean>Compares an RPM Package version record with a short version, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Lin:8.0
<string> {cmp} <rpm package version record><boolean>Compares a string to an RPM Package version record, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Lin:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<rpm package version record> as short rpm package version record<short rpm package version record>Casts an RPM package version record as a short version by stripping the epoch off.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
<rpm package version record> as string<string>Casts an RPM package version record as a string type.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
epoch of <rpm package version record><integer>

Plural: epochs
Returns the integer Epoch (which grants RPM more flexibility in versioning) of the specified RPM Package version record.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
extrema of <rpm package version record><( rpm package version record, rpm package version record )>

Plural: extremas
Returns the minimum and maximum extreme values of the given list of RPM package version records.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
maximum of <rpm package version record><rpm package version record>

Plural: maxima
Returns the maximum value from a list of <rpm package version record> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
minimum of <rpm package version record><rpm package version record>

Plural: minima
Returns the minimum value from a list of <rpm package version record> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
no epoch of <rpm package version record><rpm package version record>

Plural: no epochs
Strips the epoch from the specified RPM package version record.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
release of <rpm package version record><rpm package release>

Plural: releases
Returns the RPM Package release for the specified version record.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
short form of <rpm package version record><short rpm package version record>

Plural: short forms
This Inspector strips of the Epoch information from the specified RPM package version record object.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
unique value of <rpm package version record><rpm package version record with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values of a given list of <rpm package version record> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
version of <rpm package version record><rpm package version>

Plural: versions
Returns the version of the specified RPM package version record.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2

rpm package version record with multiplicity

The <rpm package version record with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of RPM package version records, allowing you to extract unique records and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <rpm package version record>Returns the unique values of a given list of <rpm package version record> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <rpm package version record with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <rpm package version record> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2

short rpm package version record

This is the same as an RPM package version record, except that the epoch (if one exists) is not shown when converted to a string. However, even though it isn't displayed, the epoch is still retained. If you need to remove the epoch, use one of the 'no epoch' Inspectors.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
short rpm package version record <rpm package version record>Iterates throught the specified RPM package version record objects, stripping the Epoch information out.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
short rpm package version record <short rpm package version record>Iterates throught the specified short RPM package version record objects.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
<rpm package version record> as short rpm package version recordCasts an RPM package version record as a short version by stripping the epoch off.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
short form of <rpm package version record>This Inspector strips of the Epoch information from the specified RPM package version record object.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
maximum of <short rpm package version record>Returns the maximum value from a list of <short rpm package version record> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
minimum of <short rpm package version record>Returns the minimum value from a list of <short rpm package version record> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
no epoch of <short rpm package version record>Returns a short RPM package version record with the epoch stripped out.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<short rpm package version record> {cmp} <short rpm package version record><boolean>Compares two short RPM Package version records, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Lin:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<short rpm package version record> as rpm package version record<rpm package version record>Casts a short RPM Package version record as a long version.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
<short rpm package version record> as string<string>Casts a short RPM Package version record as a string type.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
epoch of <short rpm package version record><integer>

Plural: epochs
Returns the integer Epoch (which grants RPM more flexibility in versioning) of the specified short version of the RPM Package version record.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
extrema of <short rpm package version record><( short rpm package version record, short rpm package version record )>

Plural: extremas
Returns the minimum and maximum extreme values of the given list of short RPM package version records.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
long form of <short rpm package version record><rpm package version record>

Plural: long forms
Returns an ROM Package Version record from the short version of the same.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
maximum of <short rpm package version record><short rpm package version record>

Plural: maxima
Returns the maximum value from a list of <short rpm package version record> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
minimum of <short rpm package version record><short rpm package version record>

Plural: minima
Returns the minimum value from a list of <short rpm package version record> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
no epoch of <short rpm package version record><short rpm package version record>

Plural: no epochs
Returns a short RPM package version record with the epoch stripped out.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
release of <short rpm package version record><rpm package release>

Plural: releases
Returns the RPM Package release for the specified short version record.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
unique value of <short rpm package version record><short rpm package version record with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values of a given list of <short rpm package version record> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2
version of <short rpm package version record><rpm package version>

Plural: versions
Returns the version of the specified short RPM package version record.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2

short rpm package version record with multiplicity

The <short rpm package version record with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of short RPM package version records, allowing you to extract unique records and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <short rpm package version record>Returns the unique values of a given list of <short rpm package version record> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <short rpm package version record with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <short rpm package version record> types.Lin:8.0, AIX:8.2


This is a database object created by BigFix to keep track of all the Solaris packages (pkginfos) that have been installed on this computer. The pkginfo object, in turn, contains Solaris patches, each with an ID and a revision number. The database essentially contains a comprehensive list of patches, allowing you to directly access a patch without going through pkginfo. The syntax is "patch of pkgdb", which can greatly simplify your relevance expressions.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
pkgdbA top-level object containing a list of all the installed packages, in the form of pkginfos.Sol


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
patch <string> of <pkgdb><patch>

Plural: patches
Returns the requested patch from the package database. Typically used for existence tests.Sol
patch id <string> of <pkgdb><string>

Plural: patch ids
Returns the specified patch id string from the package database. Typically used for existence tests.Sol
patch id of <pkgdb><string>

Plural: patch ids
Returns a space-delimited list of patch ids from the specified package database.Sol
patch of <pkgdb><patch>

Plural: patches
Returns all the patches listed in the given pkgdb (package database).Sol
pkginfo <string> of <pkgdb><pkginfo>

Plural: pkginfos
Returns the specified pkginfo from the package database. Typically used for existence tests.Sol
pkginfo of <pkgdb><pkginfo>

Plural: pkginfos
Returns all the packages (as pkginfos) in the given package database.Sol


Pkginfo is an object containing information about Solaris packages, which are used to deliver patches. Pkginfo contains information about the category, the intended architecture, vendors, patch IDs and revision numbers. Other package information can be inspected using the "param" property which lets you access other parameters by name.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
pkginfo <string> of <pkgdb>Returns the specified pkginfo from the package database. Typically used for existence tests.

exists pkginfo "SUNWrdm" of pkgdb - Returns TRUE if the specified pkginfo exists in the package database.
pkginfo of <pkgdb>Returns all the packages (as pkginfos) in the given package database.Sol


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<pkginfo> as string<string>Converts a pkginfo object into a string.Sol
arch of <pkginfo><string>

Plural: archs
Returns a string representing the architecture of the package specified by the pkginfo object.Sol
category of <pkginfo><string>

Plural: categories
Returns a string representing the category of the package specified by pkginfo.Sol
name of <pkginfo><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the package from the specified pkginfo object.Sol
param <string> of <pkginfo><string>

Plural: params
Returns the value of the named parameter (specified by <string>) from the pkginfo object.Sol
patch <string> of <pkginfo><patch>

Plural: patches
Returns a named patch from the specified pkginfo.Sol
patch id <string> of <pkginfo><string>

Plural: patch ids
Returns the specified patch id string from the specified pkginfo of the package database. Typically used for existence tests.Sol
patch id of <pkginfo><string>

Plural: patch ids
Returns a space delimited list of patch ids, for example: "123456-01 123456-02 200213-23 501234-02". This is the same list available from the PATCHLIST parameter of the pkginfo.Sol
patch of <pkginfo><patch>

Plural: patches
Returns the patch object referenced in the pkginfo object.Sol
pkginst of <pkginfo><string>

Plural: pkginsts
Returns a short string used as an abbreviation for the package name given by the pkginfo object. Typically contains a vendor symbol and an ID, like "CSCOh007".Sol
vendor of <pkginfo><string>

Plural: vendors
Returns a string containing the name of the package vendor. This is the same as the VENDOR parameter of the pkginfo.Sol
version of <pkginfo><string>

Plural: versions
Returns a version number for the specified pkginfo object. Not to be confused with revision numbers of patches. This is the same as the VERSION parameter of the pkginfo.Sol


An object that exposes the properties of a Solaris patch, each of which has a base ID followed by a revision number, such as 123456-12. Here the base is 123456, which identifies the patch, and 12, which represents the revision of this particular patch.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
patch <string> of <pkgdb>Returns the requested patch from the package database. Typically used for existence tests.

exists patch "123456" of pkgdb - Returns TRUE if any revision of the patch with this ID exists in the package database.

exists patch "123456-12" of pkgdb - Returns TRUE if this exact patch ID (including the revision) exists in the package database.
patch of <pkgdb>Returns all the patches listed in the given pkgdb (package database).Sol
patch <string> of <pkginfo>Returns a named patch from the specified pkginfo.

exists patch "123456" of pkginfo "SUNWrdm" of pkgdb - Returns TRUE if this patch exists in the specified pkginfo of the package database.
patch of <pkginfo>Returns the patch object referenced in the pkginfo object.Sol


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
base of <patch><string>

Plural: bases
Returns the base number of the given patch, which is a unique identifier for the file, as a string.Sol
greatest revision of <patch><string>

Plural: greatest revisions
Returns the highest revision of the patch.Sol
least revision of <patch><string>

Plural: least revisions
Returns the lowest revision of the patch.Sol
revision <string> of <patch><string>

Plural: revisions
Returns the specified revision string from the given patch. Typically used for existence tests.Sol
revision of <patch><string>

Plural: revisions
Returns an additional revision number which modifies the base of the patch.Sol


On HPUX platforms, a bundle object is derived from a product type and used to inspect software installations as managed by the Software Depot. On Macintosh platforms, a bundle refers to a core foundation folder hierarchy derived from CFBundle.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bundle <string>Returns a bundle (CFBundle) by name.

bundle "" - Returns a bundle to hand to something that needs one. It doesn't print out, per se.
bundle of <folder>Returns a bundle from a folder (if it has one like application folders do).

exists (bundle of applications folder) - Typically returns TRUE.
bundle of <product>Returns the bundle to which the product belongs.HPUX
bundle <string> of <software_depot>Returns the bundle object corresponding to the name provided. Useful for seeing if a bundle is installed.

exists bundle of folder "" of applications folder - A bundle is a directory in the file system that groups related resources together in one place. Applications, frameworks, and plug-ins are all examples of bundles. Programs can also use document bundles instead of flat files to save complex content. For more info, see the Apple Developer documentation.

string "CFBundleVersion" of global dictionary of bundle of folder "" of applications folder - Returns the bundle version of the specified folder.
bundle of <software_depot>Returns a bundle object. Use the plural expression 'bundles of software depot' to return all of the bundles installed.HPUX


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bundle version of <bundle><version>

Plural: bundle versions
Returns the version of the bundle corresponding to the CFBundleVersion string, as distinct from the CFBundleShortVersionString.Mac
creator of <bundle><file signature>

Plural: creators
The creator 4-letter code of the bundle (for example, FNDR for Finder).Mac
global dictionary of <bundle><dictionary>

Plural: global dictionaries
The bundle's information dictionary.Mac
local dictionary of <bundle><dictionary>

Plural: local dictionaries
The bundle's localized information dictionary.Mac
product of <bundle><product>

Plural: products
Returns the product and/or products contained in the bundle.HPUX
type of <bundle><file type>

Plural: types
Returns the file type of the bundle. Can be used only to compare equality between file types.Mac
version of <bundle><version>

Plural: versions
Version of the given bundle.Mac


The <product> object contains properties (such as vendor and revision) of the associated software product. On AIX, products are installed into an Object Repository.On HPUX products are installed in the Software Depot.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
product of <bundle>Returns the product and/or products contained in the bundle.HPUX
product of <fileset>Returns the product corresponding to the specified fileset.AIX
product of <bundle>Returns the product and/or products contained in the bundle.HPUX
product <string> of <object repository>Returns the product whose LPP name exactly matches the string.AIX:8.2
product of <object repository>Returns all products. Each product may contain multiple filesets of differing versions.AIX:8.2
product <string> of <object_repository>Returns the named product from the object repository.

product "BESAgent" of object repository as string - Returns the full name of the product, such as "BESAgent".
product of <object_repository>Returns a list of the products in the object repository.

products whose (name of it contains "bos") of object repository - Returns a list of the software products that have "bos" in their name.
product <string> of <software_depot>Direct access to specified installed software product. Use the product tag as the identifying name.

model of main processor - Returns a string such as "PA8500".
product of <software_depot>Direct access to specified installed software product. Use the product tag as the identifying name.

exists product "OS-Core" of software depot - Returns TRUE if the specified software exists.


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<product> as string<string>Brief text string identifying a product including the tag and version.HPUX, AIX
bundle of <product><bundle>

Plural: bundles
Returns the bundle to which the product belongs.HPUX
fileset of <product><fileset>

Plural: filesets
Returns a list of the filesets (installable software packages) in the specified product.AIX
name of <product><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified product.AIX
revision of <product><string>

Plural: revisions
Version identifier of installed software product.HPUX
tag of <product><string>

Plural: tags
Short identifying name of installed software product. Tag is used as identifier in named product accessor.HPUX
title of <product><string>

Plural: titles
Long identifying name of installed software product.HPUX
vendor of <product><string>

Plural: vendors
Text identifying the vendor of the installed software product.HPUX


A database corresponding to installable software products on AIX computers.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
object repositoryThis is the global inspector object; all installed software inspectors are properties of this.

exists object repository - Returns TRUE if the object repository exists.


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
fileset <string> of <object repository><fileset>

Plural: filesets
Returns all filesets exactly matching the string in the format "lpp_name ver.rel.mod.fix".AIX:8.2
fileset matching <string> of <object repository><fileset>

Plural: filesets matching
Returns all filesets matching the supplied ODM query string.AIX:8.2
fileset of <object repository><fileset>

Plural: filesets
Returns all filesets. This may include multiple versions with the same LPP name.AIX:8.2
fileset with name <string> of <object repository><fileset>

Plural: filesets with name
Returns all filesets whose LPP name exactly matches the string.AIX:8.2
latest fileset <string> of <object repository><fileset>

Plural: latest filesets
Returns the fileset whose LPP name exactly matches the string and has the highest version record.AIX:8.2
product <string> of <object repository><product>

Plural: products
Returns the product whose LPP name exactly matches the string.AIX:8.2
product of <object repository><product>

Plural: products
Returns all products. Each product may contain multiple filesets of differing versions.AIX:8.2
fileset matching <string> of <object_repository><fileset>

Plural: filesets matching
Returns the fileset(s) matching the specified string from within the object repository.AIX
product <string> of <object_repository><product>

Plural: products
Returns the named product from the object repository.AIX
product of <object_repository><product>

Plural: products
Returns a list of the products in the object repository.AIX


Software Depot uses the swlist INDEX to identify the collection of products installed on the HPUX machine.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
software depotAccesses the set of installed software and products.

exists software depot - Returns TRUE if the software depot exists on this computer.


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bundle <string> of <software_depot><bundle>

Plural: bundles
Returns the bundle object corresponding to the name provided. Useful for seeing if a bundle is installed.HPUX
bundle of <software_depot><bundle>

Plural: bundles
Returns a bundle object. Use the plural expression 'bundles of software depot' to return all of the bundles installed.HPUX
product <string> of <software_depot><product>

Plural: products
Direct access to specified installed software product. Use the product tag as the identifying name.HPUX
product of <software_depot><product>

Plural: products
Direct access to specified installed software product. Use the product tag as the identifying name.HPUX

debian base package

For Tivoli Inspectors, a Debian package is considered to include both the package and the version. This allows the Inspectors to home in on specific versioned packages and not just the package itself, which may have numerous versions. The base package Inspectors help to tease these two aspects apart, stripping the version info and returning a list of the packages by name only.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
base package <string> of <debianpackagecache>Returns a Debian base package object corresponding to the given string of the specified Debian package cache.Ubu:8.1
base package of <debianpackagecache>Returns a Debian base package object corresponding to the specified Debian package cache.Ubu:8.1
base package of <debianpkg version>Returns a Debian base package object corresponding to the specified Debian Pkg version.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<debian base package> as string<string>Converts a Debian base package into a string.Ubu:8.1
currently installed of <debian base package><boolean>

Plural: currently installeds
Returns TRUE if the specified Debian base package is currently installed.Ubu:8.1
installed version of <debian base package><debianpkg version>

Plural: installed versions
Returns the currently installed debianpkg version of the specified Debian base package.Ubu:8.1
name of <debian base package><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified debian base package as a string.Ubu:8.1
pkg version of <debian base package><debianpkg version>

Plural: pkg versions
Returns a Debian pkg version from the specified Debian base package.Ubu:8.1

debian package upstream version with multiplicity

The <debian package upstream version with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of Debian packages, allowing you to extract unique upstream_versions and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <debian package upstream version>Returns the unique values and counts of a given list of <debian package upstream version> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <debian package upstream version with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Returns a list of the unique values (along with their frequency count) as extracted from the specified list of debian package upstream versions.Ubu:8.1

debian package upstream version

The upstream_version of a Debian package is the main version number. Along with the epoch and revision, it is one of the components of the Debian versioning scheme.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
debian package version upstream <debian package upstream version>A reflexive typing of the specified debian package upstream version.Note: the version upstream is treated the same as the upstream version.Ubu:8.1
debian package version upstream <string>Returns a Debian package upstream_version object from the supplied string.Ubu:8.1
<debian package upstream version> as debian package version upstreamThis is a reflexive casting for the sake of completeness. Note: upstream version is treated the same as version upstream.Ubu:8.1
maximum of <debian package upstream version>Returns the maximum value from the specified list of Debian package upstream versions.Ubu:8.1
minimum of <debian package upstream version>Returns the minimum value from the specified list of Debian package upstream versions.Ubu:8.1
upstream of <debian package version>Returns the Debian package upstream_version from the specified Debian package version.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<debian package upstream version> {cmp} <debian package upstream version><boolean>Compares the specified upstream_versions of two Debian packages, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Ubu:8.1
<debian package upstream version> {cmp} <string><boolean>Compares the specified upstream_version of a Debian package to a given string, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Ubu:8.1
<string> {cmp} <debian package upstream version><boolean>Compares the given string to the specified Debian package upstream_version, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<debian package upstream version> as debian package version upstream<debian package upstream version>This is a reflexive casting for the sake of completeness. Note: upstream version is treated the same as version upstream.Ubu:8.1
<debian package upstream version> as string<string>Converts a Debian package upstream_version into a string.Ubu:8.1
extrema of <debian package upstream version><( debian package upstream version, debian package upstream version )>

Plural: extremas
Returns the minimum and maximum extreme values of the given list of <debian package upstream version> types.Ubu:8.1
maximum of <debian package upstream version><debian package upstream version>

Plural: maxima
Returns the maximum value from the specified list of Debian package upstream versions.Ubu:8.1
minimum of <debian package upstream version><debian package upstream version>

Plural: minima
Returns the minimum value from the specified list of Debian package upstream versions.Ubu:8.1
unique value of <debian package upstream version><debian package upstream version with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values and counts of a given list of <debian package upstream version> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Ubu:8.1

debian package version epoch with multiplicity

The <debian package version epoch with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of Debian packages, allowing you to extract unique version 'epochs' and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <debian package version epoch>Returns the unique values and counts of a given list of <debian package version epoch> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <debian package version epoch with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Returns a list of the unique values (along with their frequency count) as extracted from the specified list of debian package epochs.Ubu:8.1

debian package version epoch

The <debian package version epoch> Inspectors deal with the 'epoch' component of a Debian package version. The epoch is an unsigned integer, typically a small number. If it is omitted, zero is the default. It allows the package provider to create a fresh start with version numbering schemes.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
debian package version epoch <debian package version epoch>A reflexive typing of the specified debian package version epoch.Ubu:8.1
debian package version epoch <string>Returns a Debian package version 'epoch' object from the given string.Ubu:8.1
<debian package version epoch> as debian package version epochReflexive cast for completeness.Ubu:8.1
maximum of <debian package version epoch>Returns the maximum value from the specified list of Debian package version epochs.Ubu:8.1
minimum of <debian package version epoch>Returns the minimum value from the specified list of Debian package version epochs.Ubu:8.1
epoch of <debian package version>Returns the epoch component of the specified debian package version. This is primarily used to correct for mistaken version numbers.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<debian package version epoch> {cmp} <debian package version epoch><boolean>Compares the specified version 'epoch' (generally a single digit) of two Debian packages, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Ubu:8.1
<debian package version epoch> {cmp} <string><boolean>Compares the specified version 'epoch' of a Debian package to a given string, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Ubu:8.1
<string> {cmp} <debian package version epoch><boolean>Compares the given string to the specified Debian package version 'epoch' where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<debian package version epoch> as debian package version epoch<debian package version epoch>Reflexive cast for completeness.Ubu:8.1
<debian package version epoch> as string<string>Converts a Debian package version 'epoch' into a string.Ubu:8.1
extrema of <debian package version epoch><( debian package version epoch, debian package version epoch )>

Plural: extremas
Returns the minimum and maximum extreme values of the given list of <debian package version epoch> types.Ubu:8.1
maximum of <debian package version epoch><debian package version epoch>

Plural: maxima
Returns the maximum value from the specified list of Debian package version epochs.Ubu:8.1
minimum of <debian package version epoch><debian package version epoch>

Plural: minima
Returns the minimum value from the specified list of Debian package version epochs.Ubu:8.1
unique value of <debian package version epoch><debian package version epoch with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values and counts of a given list of <debian package version epoch> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Ubu:8.1

debian package version revision with multiplicity

The <debian package version revision with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of Debian package allowing you to extract unique version revisions and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <debian package version revision>Returns the unique values and counts of a given list of <debian package version revision> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <debian package version revision with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Returns a list of the unique values (along with their frequency count) as extracted from the specified list of debian package version revisions.Ubu:8.1

debian package version revision

Also known as the 'debian_revision', these Inspectors reveal the revision of a Debian package based on the upstream_version. The revision component of the version is optional. Typically, the revision is set to 1 whenever the upstream_version is increased.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
debian package version revision <debian package version revision>A reflexive typing of the specified debian package version revision.Ubu:8.1
debian package version revision <string>Returns a Debian package version revision object from the given string.Ubu:8.1
<debian package version revision> as debian package version revisionReflexive cast for completeness.Ubu:8.1
maximum of <debian package version revision>Returns the maximum value from the specified list of Debian package version revisions.Ubu:8.1
minimum of <debian package version revision>Returns the minimum value from the specified list of Debian package version revisions.Ubu:8.1
revision of <debian package version>Returns the Debian revision from the specified package version.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<debian package version revision> {cmp} <debian package version revision><boolean>Compares the specified debian_revisions of two Debian packages, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Ubu:8.1
<debian package version revision> {cmp} <string><boolean>Compares the specified debian_revision of a Debian package and the given string, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Ubu:8.1
<string> {cmp} <debian package version revision><boolean>Compares the given string to the specified Debian package version_revision, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<debian package version revision> as debian package version revision<debian package version revision>Reflexive cast for completeness.Ubu:8.1
<debian package version revision> as string<string>Converts a Debian package version_revision into a string.Ubu:8.1
extrema of <debian package version revision><( debian package version revision, debian package version revision )>

Plural: extremas
Returns the minimum and maximum extreme values of the given list of <debian package version revision> types.Ubu:8.1
maximum of <debian package version revision><debian package version revision>

Plural: maxima
Returns the maximum value from the specified list of Debian package version revisions.Ubu:8.1
minimum of <debian package version revision><debian package version revision>

Plural: minima
Returns the minimum value from the specified list of Debian package version revisions.Ubu:8.1
unique value of <debian package version revision><debian package version revision with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values and counts of a given list of <debian package version revision> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Ubu:8.1

debian package version with multiplicity

The <debian package version with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of Debian packages, allowing you to extract unique versions and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <debian package version>Returns the unique values and counts of a given list of <debian package version> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <debian package version with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Returns a list of the unique values (along with their frequency count) as extracted from the specified list of debian package versions.Ubu:8.1

debian package version

For Tivoli Inspectors, a Debian package is considered to include both the package and the version. This allows the Inspectors to home in on specific versioned packages and not just the package itself, which may have numerous versions. These version Inspectors return just the version(s) of a given Debian package. A version is composed of three parts: an epoch, an upstream_version and a debian_revision.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
debian package version <debian package version>A reflexive typing of the specified debian package version.Ubu:8.1
debian package version <string>Returns a Debian package version object from the given string.Ubu:8.1
<debian package version> as debian package versionReflexive cast for completeness.Ubu:8.1
maximum of <debian package version>Returns the maximum value from the specified list of Debian package versions. See the Debian man pages for more information on how to compare package versions.Ubu:8.1
minimum of <debian package version>Returns the minimum value from the specified list of Debian package versions. See the Debian man pages for more information on how to compare package versions.Ubu:8.1
version of <debian versioned package>Returns the Debian package version from the given versioned package.Ubu:8.1
version of <debianpkg dependency>Returns the Debian package version from the given debianpkg dependency.Ubu:8.1
<debianpkg version> as debian package versionConverts a Debian Pkg version into a Debian package version.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<debian package version> {cmp} <debian package version><boolean>Compares the specified Debian package versions, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Ubu:8.1
<debian package version> {cmp} <string><boolean>Compares the specified Debian package version with the given string, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Ubu:8.1
<string> {cmp} <debian package version><boolean>Compares the given string to the specified Debian package version, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<debian package version> as debian package version<debian package version>Reflexive cast for completeness.Ubu:8.1
<debian package version> as string<string>Converts a Debian package version (including epoch, upstream_version and revision) into a string.Ubu:8.1
epoch of <debian package version><debian package version epoch>

Plural: epochs
Returns the epoch component of the specified debian package version. This is primarily used to correct for mistaken version numbers.Ubu:8.1
extrema of <debian package version><( debian package version, debian package version )>

Plural: extremas
Returns the minimum and maximum extreme values of the given list of <debian package version> types.Ubu:8.1
maximum of <debian package version><debian package version>

Plural: maxima
Returns the maximum value from the specified list of Debian package versions. See the Debian man pages for more information on how to compare package versions.Ubu:8.1
minimum of <debian package version><debian package version>

Plural: minima
Returns the minimum value from the specified list of Debian package versions. See the Debian man pages for more information on how to compare package versions.Ubu:8.1
revision of <debian package version><debian package version revision>

Plural: revisions
Returns the Debian revision from the specified package version.Ubu:8.1
unique value of <debian package version><debian package version with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values and counts of a given list of <debian package version> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Ubu:8.1
upstream of <debian package version><debian package upstream version>

Plural: upstreams
Returns the Debian package upstream_version from the specified Debian package version.Ubu:8.1

debian versioned package

The <debian versioned package> Inspectors return all the versions of the Debian package that are available for the base package.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
package <string> of <debianpackagecache>Returns a list of Debian packages and associated versions from the given Debian package cache.Ubu:8.1
package of <debianpackagecache>Returns a Debian package and its associated version from the given string and Debian package cache.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<debian versioned package> as string<string>Converts a Debian versioned package into a string.Ubu:8.1
architecture of <debian versioned package><string>

Plural: architectures
Returns a string representing the architecture (such as i386) of a Debian versioned package.Ubu:8.1
currently installed of <debian versioned package><boolean>

Plural: currently installeds
Returns TRUE if the specified Debian versioned package is currently installed.Ubu:8.1
dependency of <debian versioned package><debianpkg dependency>

Plural: dependencies
Returns the dependencies, if any, for the specified Debian versioned package.Ubu:8.1
name of <debian versioned package><string>

Plural: names
Strips out the version information and returns the name of the specified debian versioned package as a string.Ubu:8.1
release of <debian versioned package><string>

Plural: releases
Returns a string representing the release of the specified Debian versioned package.Ubu:8.1
reverse dependency of <debian versioned package><debianpkg reverse dependencies>

Plural: reverse dependencies
Returns a list of Debian packages that are dependent on the specified Debian versioned package.Ubu:8.1
section of <debian versioned package><string>

Plural: sections
Returns a string corresponding to the directory (section) of the FTP site where Debian packages are stored.Ubu:8.1
verfile of <debian versioned package><debianpkg verfile>

Plural: verfiles
Returns the Debian Pkg verfile from the specified versioned package. This contains names derived from the APT system.Ubu:8.1
version of <debian versioned package><debian package version>

Plural: versions
Returns the Debian package version from the given versioned package.Ubu:8.1


The <debianpackagecache> Inspectors refer to the cache directory set up for Debian packages.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
debianpackageReturns a list of all the Debian packages on the client machine.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
base package <string> of <debianpackagecache><debian base package>

Plural: base packages
Returns a Debian base package object corresponding to the given string of the specified Debian package cache.Ubu:8.1
base package of <debianpackagecache><debian base package>

Plural: base packages
Returns a Debian base package object corresponding to the specified Debian package cache.Ubu:8.1
package <string> of <debianpackagecache><debian versioned package>

Plural: packages
Returns a list of Debian packages and associated versions from the given Debian package cache.Ubu:8.1
package of <debianpackagecache><debian versioned package>

Plural: packages
Returns a Debian package and its associated version from the given string and Debian package cache.Ubu:8.1
pkglibversion of <debianpackagecache><string>

Plural: pkglibversions
Returns a string containing the version of libapt-pkg.Ubu:8.2

debianpkg dependency

A package may depend on the previous installation of other software packages. The <debianpkg dependency> Inspectors detail those dependencies. A Debian package may replace another package, conflict with it or depend on it. For more information, see the site.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
dependency of <debian versioned package>Returns the dependencies, if any, for the specified Debian versioned package.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<debianpkg dependency> as string<string>Converts a Debian Pkg dependency into a string.Ubu:8.1
compare_op of <debianpkg dependency><string>

Plural: compare_ops
Returns a string corresponding to the comparison operator of the specified Debian Pkg dependency.Ubu:8.1
critical of <debianpkg dependency><boolean>

Plural: criticals
Returns TRUE if the specified Debian Pkg dependency is critical.Ubu:8.1
type of <debianpkg dependency><string>

Plural: types
Returns a string corresponding to the relationship this package has with other Debian packages. This string might be one of the following:DependsReplacesConflictsPreDependsRecommends.Ubu:8.1
version of <debianpkg dependency><debian package version>

Plural: versions
Returns the Debian package version from the given debianpkg dependency.Ubu:8.1

debianpkg reverse dependencies

Debian packages often depend on other packages, with you can find by looking in the given package. You can reverse the situation and instead use the Advanced Packageing Tool (APT) to discover which programs are dependent on a given package. These Inspectors allow you to find these reverse dependencies.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
reverse dependency of <debian versioned package>Returns a list of Debian packages that are dependent on the specified Debian versioned package.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<debianpkg reverse dependencies> as string<string>Converts Debian Pkg reverse dependencies into a string.Ubu:8.1
version of <debianpkg reverse dependencies><string>

Plural: versions
Returns the Debian package version from the given debianpkg reverse dependency as a string.Ubu:8.1

debianpkg verfile

The pkg Inspectors deal with base packages, i.e., packages stripped of their version information. This set of Inspectors lists the names of the APT system files that describe the package in question. If you edit and search the files that result from this inspector, you can find descriptive information about the specified packages.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
verfile of <debian versioned package>Returns the Debian Pkg verfile from the specified versioned package. This contains names derived from the APT system.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<debianpkg verfile> as string<string>Converts a Debian Pkg verfile into a string.Ubu:8.1

debianpkg version

The pkg Inspectors deal with base packages, i.e., packages stripped of their version information. This set of Inspectors deals with the versions corresponding to the given package(s).

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
installed version of <debian base package>Returns the currently installed debianpkg version of the specified Debian base package.Ubu:8.1
pkg version of <debian base package>Returns a Debian pkg version from the specified Debian base package.Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<debianpkg version> as debian package version<debian package version>Converts a Debian Pkg version into a Debian package version.Ubu:8.1
<debianpkg version> as string<string>Returns a string containing the package version in its canonical form.Ubu:8.2
architecture of <debianpkg version><string>

Plural: architectures
Returns a string representing the architecture (such as i386) of a Debian Pkg version.Ubu:8.1
base package of <debianpkg version><debian base package>

Plural: base packages
Returns a Debian base package object corresponding to the specified Debian Pkg version.Ubu:8.1
section of <debianpkg version><string>

Plural: sections
Returns a string corresponding to the directory (section) of the FTP site where Debian packages are stored.Ubu:8.1